Enclosed are the following three patches (prepared with ResCompare, thanks to Michael Hecht!) for the Finder 7.5.1 and System 7.5 Update, i.e. the files supplied with System 7.5 Update 1.0:
Finder 7.5.1 deZoom Removes zoom rectangles of the Finder
System 7.5 Update deZoom Removes zoom rectangles of Hide Applications
Finder 7.5.1 Add Quit Adds a quit menu
The patches work independently, and probably only with the international release of System 7.5 Update 1.0. To use them,
1. Make a backup copy of the Finder and System 7.5 Update (just in case...)
2. Make a working copy of both files (never modify the running finder!)
3. Apply one or more of the patches to the working copies
4. Move the original Finder and System 7.5 Update
from the System folder to the trash
5. Move the modified files to the System folder
6. Restart
These patch cannot work properly while virus detection software is running.
Use on your own risk - there is no guarantee that the patch will work on your particular system, and that the patched Finder will ever work again!!!! "In no event I will be liable for special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any use of this software, or under any other legal theory, including but not limited to lost profits, downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment and property, and any costs of recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any program or data stored in or used with computing devices that have been modified using this software."